This climbing frame is shaped in the form of a cyrillic Г-letter. Like the T-shape, this frame does not require drilling your walls and can, if necessary, be mounted close to a wall, if the wall does not allow drilling.
The main difference from the T-model exists in the fact that the Г-model is more compact (but not less functional!) and takes up less space in the room.
Height can be adjusted from 240 cm to 300 cm.
The set includes: metal Swedish ladder (ladder) – wall bars, climbing pole, rope ladders, climbing rope and gymnastic rings.
We offer a range of colors in the following combinations:
1) Blue – Yellow
2) Green – Yellow
• All components of the home climbing frame are made of thick-gauge metal (product weight is 29 kg).
• Welded parts are not seen.
• All fittings and fastening elements have polymer covers with a unique design, which prevent accidental injury when performing exercises.
• The feet of the device are covered by a special silicone, which makes them comfortable and secure.
• All components are covered with a durable polymer glazing that is resistant to abrasion, cannot be damaged on impact and does not lose its properties due to atmospheric changes.
• The horizontal bars can be mounted at any height, and at any time you can easily change its position. If necessary, the device can by supplemented with additional work out apparatuses (color devices), which also can be easily installed at any height.
• The accompanying accessories and sports equipment – hanging ladder, rope and gymnastic rings – are included. All components of additional sports equipment are made from natural materials (wood and cotton), which makes for a pleasant and satisfying user experience.
• Each device can be supplemented by the collapsible dip bar, enabling a wider range of possible exercises and games.
The climbing frame “Young Athlete” is offered in two popular color combinations, which makes it a perfect fit in the interior of any room. You can choose whether you want the nursery jungle gym classic blue and yellow colors or if you prefer a nice classic combination of green and yellow!
All climbing frames are approved for both personal and public use in sports halls, schools or kindergartens.
admin –
Sve pohvale za spravu! Ne buse se zidovi, ne zauzima mnogo prostora u sobi i pritom se moze raditi vise stvari na njoj. Celokupni dodaci se savrseno uklapaju uz spravu, cine je potpunom i predstavlja pravu malu igraonicu za decu kod kuce. Vise njih se moze igrati na njoj, vise njih moze i vezbati i zaista je jutarnja, popodnevna i vecernja senzacija kod nas u kuci. Ja sam i vise nego zadovoljan.
admin –
Ne svidjaju mi se visece lestvice, previse se pomeraju dok se dete penje na njih, a konopac treba da bude deblji…
admin –
Kupila sam spravu ua-009 i preporucujem je svima da kupe. Cena definitivno opravdava kvalitet, kad sam narucila spravu odmah sledeci dan me je cekala u radnji, a u kutiji svi delovi po propisima spakovani sa detaljnim i jednostavnim uputstvom. Ni u jednom trenutku se nisam pokajala sto sam je kupila, jos kad sam videla osmeh na licu svoje dece, znala sam da sam uradila pravu stvar.
admin –
Ukoliko trazite savrsen poklon za svoju decu ili druge malisane, ove sprave ce definitivno biti pravi izbor. Kupio sam spravu ua-009 i ne planiram da se zaustavim na njoj. Deci sam obezbedio da kod kuce na toplom i cistom mestu vezbaju i igraju se, a ja sam spokojan jer znam da su srecni, a decija sreca je najvaznija stvar na svetu za svakog roditelja. Hvala vam.