Our equipment is designed so that you can always supplement your particular fitness apparatus. Even on a set of ordinary wall bars (Swedish ladder), this expansion can be easily attached to create a home gym.
The folded configuration of the device does not extend beyond the boundary of the entire apparatus, and therefore suits those who would want to do sit-ups and work their abs and in a small room.
This collapsible dip bar can be mounted on the following Swedish ladders:
UA-002, Children’s wall-mounted climbing frame, Young Athlete;
UA-003, Children’s telescopic climbing frame, floor-to-ceiling T-shape, Young Athlete;
UA-009, Children’s telescopic climbing frame, Г-shape, floor-ceiling (Young Athlete).
admin –
Narucio sam razboj UA-011 kao dodatak spravi koju sam kupio kod vas pre 3 meseca i pokazalo se kao mnogo jaca i isplativija kombinacija. Na samo jednoj spravi uz malo dopunu imam sve sto pozelim i telo mi se razvija iz dana u dan. Sprava bez ovog razboja ne bi bila to to. Veoma sam zadovoljan.