Climbing frame “Sun” features cheerful colors and includes Swedish ladder, climbing pole, climbing rope, rope ladders, swing, gymnastic rings.
This sports device can be mounted in two ways:
- between the floor and the ceiling – a very easy and reliable option. It does not require drilling, which allows easy repositioning of sports kit.
- on a supporting wall, relying on the floor – this type of fixing is suitable for all rooms, even for apartments with a suspended ceiling.
The permitted load of 100 kilograms and large dimensions of this children’s frame allow several toddlers to climb on it at the same time. Roundish shape and bright colors make this model not only useful, but also a beautiful addition to the interior of the children’s room.
Climbing frame “Sun” features cheerful colors and includes Swedish ladder, climbing pole, climbing rope, rope ladders, swing, gymnastic rings.
This sports device can be mounted in two ways:
- between the floor and the ceiling – a very easy and reliable option. It does not require drilling, which allows easy repositioning of sports kit.
- on a supporting wall, relying on the floor – this type of fixing is suitable for all rooms, even for apartments with a suspended ceiling.
The permitted load of 100 kilograms and large dimensions of this children’s frame allow several toddlers to climb on it at the same time. Roundish shape and bright colors make this model not only useful, but also a beautiful addition to the interior of the children’s room.
Climbing frame “Sun” features cheerful colors and includes Swedish ladder, climbing pole, climbing rope, rope ladders, swing, gymnastic rings.
This sports device can be mounted in two ways:
- between the floor and the ceiling – a very easy and reliable option. It does not require drilling, which allows easy repositioning of sports kit.
- on a supporting wall, relying on the floor – this type of fixing is suitable for all rooms, even for apartments with a suspended ceiling.
The permitted load of 100 kilograms and large dimensions of this children’s frame allow several toddlers to climb on it at the same time. Roundish shape and bright colors make this model not only useful, but also a beautiful addition to the interior of the children’s room.
Climbing frame “Sun” features cheerful colors and includes Swedish ladder, climbing pole, climbing rope, rope ladders, swing, gymnastic rings.
This sports device can be mounted in two ways:
- between the floor and the ceiling – a very easy and reliable option. It does not require drilling, which allows easy repositioning of sports kit.
- on a supporting wall, relying on the floor – this type of fixing is suitable for all rooms, even for apartments with a suspended ceiling.
The permitted load of 100 kilograms and large dimensions of this children’s frame allow several toddlers to climb on it at the same time. Roundish shape and bright colors make this model not only useful, but also a beautiful addition to the interior of the children’s room.
Climbing frame “Sun” features cheerful colors and includes Swedish ladder, climbing pole, climbing rope, rope ladders, swing, gymnastic rings.
This sports device can be mounted in two ways:
- between the floor and the ceiling – a very easy and reliable option. It does not require drilling, which allows easy repositioning of sports kit.
- on a supporting wall, relying on the floor – this type of fixing is suitable for all rooms, even for apartments with a suspended ceiling.
The permitted load of 100 kilograms and large dimensions of this children’s frame allow several toddlers to climb on it at the same time. Roundish shape and bright colors make this model not only useful, but also a beautiful addition to the interior of the children’s room.
Climbing frame “Sun” features cheerful colors and includes Swedish ladder, climbing pole, climbing rope, rope ladders, swing, gymnastic rings.
This sports device can be mounted in two ways:
- between the floor and the ceiling – a very easy and reliable option. It does not require drilling, which allows easy repositioning of sports kit.
- on a supporting wall, relying on the floor – this type of fixing is suitable for all rooms, even for apartments with a suspended ceiling.
The permitted load of 100 kilograms and large dimensions of this children’s frame allow several toddlers to climb on it at the same time. Roundish shape and bright colors make this model not only useful, but also a beautiful addition to the interior of the children’s room.
Climbing frame “Sun” features cheerful colors and includes Swedish ladder, climbing pole, climbing rope, rope ladders, swing, gymnastic rings.
This sports device can be mounted in two ways:
- between the floor and the ceiling – a very easy and reliable option. It does not require drilling, which allows easy repositioning of sports kit.
- on a supporting wall, relying on the floor – this type of fixing is suitable for all rooms, even for apartments with a suspended ceiling.
The permitted load of 100 kilograms and large dimensions of this children’s frame allow several toddlers to climb on it at the same time. Roundish shape and bright colors make this model not only useful, but also a beautiful addition to the interior of the children’s room.
Climbing frame “Sun” features cheerful colors and includes Swedish ladder, climbing pole, climbing rope, rope ladders, swing, gymnastic rings.
This sports device can be mounted in two ways:
- between the floor and the ceiling – a very easy and reliable option. It does not require drilling, which allows easy repositioning of sports kit.
- on a supporting wall, relying on the floor – this type of fixing is suitable for all rooms, even for apartments with a suspended ceiling.
The permitted load of 100 kilograms and large dimensions of this children’s frame allow several toddlers to climb on it at the same time. Roundish shape and bright colors make this model not only useful, but also a beautiful addition to the interior of the children’s room.
Climbing frame “Sun” features cheerful colors and includes Swedish ladder, climbing pole, climbing rope, rope ladders, swing, gymnastic rings.
This sports device can be mounted in two ways:
- between the floor and the ceiling – a very easy and reliable option. It does not require drilling, which allows easy repositioning of sports kit.
- on a supporting wall, relying on the floor – this type of fixing is suitable for all rooms, even for apartments with a suspended ceiling.
The permitted load of 100 kilograms and large dimensions of this children’s frame allow several toddlers to climb on it at the same time. Roundish shape and bright colors make this model not only useful, but also a beautiful addition to the interior of the children’s room.
Climbing frame “Sun” features cheerful colors and includes Swedish ladder, climbing pole, climbing rope, rope ladders, swing, gymnastic rings.
This sports device can be mounted in two ways:
- between the floor and the ceiling – a very easy and reliable option. It does not require drilling, which allows easy repositioning of sports kit.
- on a supporting wall, relying on the floor – this type of fixing is suitable for all rooms, even for apartments with a suspended ceiling.
The permitted load of 100 kilograms and large dimensions of this children’s frame allow several toddlers to climb on it at the same time. Roundish shape and bright colors make this model not only useful, but also a beautiful addition to the interior of the children’s room.
Climbing frame “Sun” features cheerful colors and includes Swedish ladder, climbing pole, climbing rope, rope ladders, swing, gymnastic rings.
This sports device can be mounted in two ways:
- between the floor and the ceiling – a very easy and reliable option. It does not require drilling, which allows easy repositioning of sports kit.
- on a supporting wall, relying on the floor – this type of fixing is suitable for all rooms, even for apartments with a suspended ceiling.
The permitted load of 100 kilograms and large dimensions of this children’s frame allow several toddlers to climb on it at the same time. Roundish shape and bright colors make this model not only useful, but also a beautiful addition to the interior of the children’s room.
Climbing frame “Sun” features cheerful colors and includes Swedish ladder, climbing pole, climbing rope, rope ladders, swing, gymnastic rings.
This sports device can be mounted in two ways:
- between the floor and the ceiling – a very easy and reliable option. It does not require drilling, which allows easy repositioning of sports kit.
- on a supporting wall, relying on the floor – this type of fixing is suitable for all rooms, even for apartments with a suspended ceiling.
The permitted load of 100 kilograms and large dimensions of this children’s frame allow several toddlers to climb on it at the same time. Roundish shape and bright colors make this model not only useful, but also a beautiful addition to the interior of the children’s room.
Climbing frame “Sun” features cheerful colors and includes Swedish ladder, climbing pole, climbing rope, rope ladders, swing, gymnastic rings.
This sports device can be mounted in two ways:
- between the floor and the ceiling – a very easy and reliable option. It does not require drilling, which allows easy repositioning of sports kit.
- on a supporting wall, relying on the floor – this type of fixing is suitable for all rooms, even for apartments with a suspended ceiling.
The permitted load of 100 kilograms and large dimensions of this children’s frame allow several toddlers to climb on it at the same time. Roundish shape and bright colors make this model not only useful, but also a beautiful addition to the interior of the children’s room.
Climbing frame “Sun” features cheerful colors and includes Swedish ladder, climbing pole, climbing rope, rope ladders, swing, gymnastic rings.
This sports device can be mounted in two ways:
- between the floor and the ceiling – a very easy and reliable option. It does not require drilling, which allows easy repositioning of sports kit.
- on a supporting wall, relying on the floor – this type of fixing is suitable for all rooms, even for apartments with a suspended ceiling.
The permitted load of 100 kilograms and large dimensions of this children’s frame allow several toddlers to climb on it at the same time. Roundish shape and bright colors make this model not only useful, but also a beautiful addition to the interior of the children’s room.
Climbing frame “Sun” features cheerful colors and includes Swedish ladder, climbing pole, climbing rope, rope ladders, swing, gymnastic rings.
This sports device can be mounted in two ways:
- between the floor and the ceiling – a very easy and reliable option. It does not require drilling, which allows easy repositioning of sports kit.
- on a supporting wall, relying on the floor – this type of fixing is suitable for all rooms, even for apartments with a suspended ceiling.
The permitted load of 100 kilograms and large dimensions of this children’s frame allow several toddlers to climb on it at the same time. Roundish shape and bright colors make this model not only useful, but also a beautiful addition to the interior of the children’s room.
Climbing frame “Sun” features cheerful colors and includes Swedish ladder, climbing pole, climbing rope, rope ladders, swing, gymnastic rings.
This sports device can be mounted in two ways:
- between the floor and the ceiling – a very easy and reliable option. It does not require drilling, which allows easy repositioning of sports kit.
- on a supporting wall, relying on the floor – this type of fixing is suitable for all rooms, even for apartments with a suspended ceiling.
The permitted load of 100 kilograms and large dimensions of this children’s frame allow several toddlers to climb on it at the same time. Roundish shape and bright colors make this model not only useful, but also a beautiful addition to the interior of the children’s room.
admin –
Kupila sam spravu “Sunasce” samo zato sto sam videla da kupovinom jedne sprave svojoj deci poklanjam mini igraonicu kod kuce. Vise ne gledaju ni televizor, a kamoli da koriste kompjuter ili mobilni telefon, ovo im je postalo daleko zabavnije, pogotovo sto smo spravu smestili na terasu i po ceo dan su napolju i igraju se na kvalitetan nacin. Sigurno kupujem jos kod vas!
admin –
Kupila sam spravu acn-sf-16sn i delimicno sam zadovoljna jer ljuljaska nema dovoljno prostora oko sebe, odnosno dete ne moze da se ljulja malo jace i malo vise.
admin –
Sunasce bi moglo da bude od cvrsceg materijala jer deluje nestabilno I glomazno na prvi pogled. Ali svidjaju mi se dodaci poput kanapa, ljuljaske I merdevina. Moje dete se uz pomoc ove sprave resilo straha od visine.
admin –
Ova sprava mi je zauzela isuvise prostora I merdevine smetaju ljuljasci jer udara pri zaletu.
admin –
Sprava acn-cf-16sn je ostavila na mene veoma prijatan utisak, dok gledam svoju decu kako se igraju na njoj, pozelim da sam i ja dete i da mogu sate i sate provesti igrajuci se. Veoma lep nacin da se deci upotpuni detinjstvo.
admin –
Kada sam kupila deciju spravu “Sunasce” bila sam zabrinuta da li ce moci tako jednostavno da se montira kako je navedeno u uputstvu. Za manje od dva sata uspeli smo da namestimo celu spravu bez problema, klinci su nam pomagali jer su jedva cekali da isprobaju novu igracku. Sprava je pun pogodak, veoma je stabilna i bezbedna sto je najbitnije, a muz i ja smo presrecni sto smo kvalitetno potrosili novac.
admin –
Sprava sunasce je odlicna jer mogu da je koriste bar 3 generacije istovremeno. Preporucila sam je svojim prijateljima. Odgovara I meni I deci koja su razlicitih godina.